Textile and industrial machinery, but also elevators in buildings around the world. The castings from our foundry reach the quality and standards of many industries.

Electric Drives
The production of stators and shields is historically linked to the production program of our foundry. Thanks to many years of experience, our foundry is able to produce complex components for electric motors from castings weighing on the order of tens of kilos or tons. We have traditionally supplied these parts to leading European manufacturers.

Elevator systems and escalators
We produce small parts made on automatic molding machines, but also large rope sheaves, which are subject to strict quality control. Our castings can be found in a number of elevator models for office and industrial buildings around the world.

We manufacture pumps for many applications in a variety of industries, whether for wastewater treatment, thick substances or sludgy water, processing paper and wood, oil and gas, chemicals, for use in power plants and food processing.

Textile and industrial machinery
We produce parts in the manual molding shop for the textile and industrial machinery sector. We are a traditional supplier of parts for industrial-size sewing machines and machining center frames in addition to a range of components for various technical solutions.